This post was especially amazing to me since I had a close connection to basketball with my father. He played basketball in high school in the 1940’s when you had to dribble around posts holding up the ceiling of small high school gyms. After he passed, I would watch basketball to feel close to him and it always fills my heart with memories of playing “Horse” after supper in the alley on the hoop attached to our garage roof! Your writing is exceptional! Thank you for taking us on your journey.

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Beautiful Mackenzie! I have to add though that her basketball smarts came from her dad and Craig. I could never understand how they could name players , stats and other info about basketball but couldn’t recall something I said to them! Megans ability to read the court was innate but she and Mike worked on it from the time she was 8 years old.

It’s funny to read how she yelled at the refs. When Mike did it at her games she would give him The Look that said Quit It!

Mike will watch pro and college women’s games . It’s really hard for me but I try.

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